Lavender & Frankincense

Lavender & Frankincense


Ingredients: Frankincense, French Lavender, English Lavender, Clove, Alkanet, Lavender Essential Oil, Frankincense Essential Oil, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Raw Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil, Grass-Fed Tallow, Raw Goat Milk, Beeswax, Sodium Lactate, Fully Saponified Lye.

Description: Beginning with an infusion of sacred Frankincense resin and Lavender flower into the oils, this bar is a blend of anciently revered components endowed with powerful healing and revitalizing earth aroma. The complex profile of nutrient-rich tallow, oils, and butters moisturise and revitalise the skin. Fresh Raw Goat Milk infusion adds nourishing vitamin-rich fats to create a very creamy lather.

Each bar of soap ≥ 5.5 oz

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